
Overflow With Hope

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Romans 15:13 **

I want that.

Overflow.  So full that there’s no room for more.

So filled to the brim that hope overflows.  Spills out.  Splashes on those around me.  Sprinkles them with hope.

Sprinkle with Hope

Those tiny sprinkles can be a drop of refreshment on a parched soul.

I love being around people like that, don’t you?  I have dear friends that encourage me when I’m down or struggling or just need to see the big picture.  I want that to be me.  I want to be the one that offers a kind word and a smile.  The one who shares hope.

You know where it starts, don’t you?  It starts with belief.

Believing that it’s all true.  Every Word.

Believing that He’s true.  True and kind.

“Or do you despise the riches of his kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?”  Romans 2:4

Believing enough to turn to Him.  To trust Him.

No matter what.

Because it’s in the “no matter what” moments that Hope becomes more alive than ever, filling you with joy and peace that overflows.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7

What is your source of hope today?  If you never considered the truths found in the Bible, start here: FAITH

**For those of you who might still be following my Scripture Memory Challenge, this is the verse I am memorizing from the Book of Romans.    Romans is the book of the Bible that I often use when sharing the Gospel message with someone, but this one seemed to meet me right where I am today. Won’t you join me in hiding God’s Word in your heart?

Romans 15.13

4 replies »

  1. Yes! Just a sprinkle of the overflow of someone who has been blessed can be enough. I had a friend sprinkle on my life just recently. Encouraged me so much I got back to writing after a year of not doing it. She told me, you have a gift and we need that. God used her in that moment to sprinkle and pour into my life. Thank you for your post. It’s most encouraging. My grandfather preached the word of God for over 60 years. When he gave out bibles he always inscribed it with “Read Romans 8:28 daily. I’ll never forget that and it’s still one of my favorites today.



    • Words of others do help to shed light upon us. Helps in us remembering our greatest gift that we often forget. Yesterday my client daughter called and told her mom that “its like I leave fairy dust everywhere I go.” As I smiled back to gesture a sign of thanks, my ears needed to hear some form of appreciation because my body was in exhaust mode. While no one needs to be praised for every act of kindness. Kind words do go a long way.


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