
The Valley of Decision/Scripture Challenge: Joel

We all face them.


Some more important, more pressing than others.  Some that may seem minor at the time, but can have long-term effects.

I don’t know about you, but the day-to-day decisions that lay the groundwork for the building of a day sometimes loom so large that sometimes I can’t seem to get a grip on





Not completely true, though, because I DO know what comes first, always.

Every day.

“But first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these tings will be provided for you.”  Matthew 6:33

Realistically, though, things happen and some days get started on a different path.  A rushed breakfast, rushed shower, rushing out the door!  What a way to start the day!

Every year I choose a word to focus on.  Last year the word I focused on was THANKFUL,


and this year the word I choose to focus on is FOCUS:

“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.”  Isaiah 26:3

This verse in Isaiah was just a reminder for me that He knows.  He knows what today holds and what tomorrow will bring.  Keeping our eyes on the things that really matter Letting go of those things that won’t seem so important a year from now.

His Word remains.

Why would we neglect it?  Why would we not keep our focus on Him?  More often than not, the decisions that loom in front of us can be answered in a single word:


Will I trust Him to provide an answer when I seek Him, and will I trust that the answer He brings is what is best for me?  When His answer is, “wait”, will I trust His timing, His plan?

It really is our decision.  From the moment we rise to the last second we’re awake, we decide what direction our thoughts will take.  Dwelling in the valley never gets us anywhere, but when we look to God to give us direction, He will guide us in those decisions.

The book of Joel is a short one.  A prophet whose message was full of passion for a people who religiously thought they were doing just fine.  He sends a warning that their deeds were noticed by God:

“Even now– turn to Me with all your heart… Tear your hearts and not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God.  For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and He relents from sending disaster.” Joel 2:12-13

God sees us for who we really are.  We might think we’re doing just fine, but if we think we’ve got it all under control, and that we can just wait to go to God when we really need Him, we are sadly mistaken.  We need Him for more than a rescue from our problems.  We need Him every day.  All day.  With all of our heart.  Don’t wait to decide if you will go your way or God’s way.  Waiting is deciding, “no”.  “No, I will not trust that God loves me and knows what’s best for me.”  “No, I will not believe that His Word is real and true and life-changing.”

Multitudes, multitudes
in the valley of decision!
For the Day of the Lord is near
in the valley of decision.  Joel 3:14

I pray for those who are in the valley of decision.  Sometimes those valleys seem so low and the climb too high, but the God who created them both will get you through the valley, and

He will walk with you.

He’s just waiting for you to say “yes”.  Yes to doing things His way.  Yes to FOCUSING ON HIM.

This verse from the book of Joel will be the one I memorize for my Scripture Challenge:

Memorizing this verse will be a constant reminder for me that my decisions should honor the Lord, and that it’s never to late to choose to turn to Him.


My heart’s desire is that you would find the Savior I serve.  If you’d like to know more about what it means to follow Jesus, please leave a comment and I would be happy to correspond with you through email.  Check out my FAITH page if you want to know how you can begin a relationship with God.

1 reply »

  1. Awesome post! I find that I have a hard time just getting STARTED on things that I have decided to do, so I totally relate to your word of “Focus” being so important. Here’s to focusing on hearing His voice in the valley of decision! 🙂


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