
Smiling Behind The Mask

I will never get used to it.

I refuse to call it the “new normal.”

Because it’s not.

It’s not normal to avoid people

or to cover your smile.

While I have to accept it, I still struggle.

This is a battle that I wrestle with in my mind–the “what ifs” and the “how longs”. 

But God.

He reminds me that, while this is a unique time in history, it is not the first time for a world to be threatened with fear.

A look back to the beginning, the book of Genesis tells us that peace filled the garden…until sin entered in.

Walking in freedom, Adam and Eve were enjoying the presence of God until sin changed everything. Trouble and turmoil began when they chose to disobey.  Humanity has since been plagued by the reality that sin, or the rejection of God and His holiness separates us from Him. Righteousness comes only as we surrender to Him in a close, loving relationship that results in obedience.

Soak in that last word: obedience.  Just knowing about God or even crying out to Him in prayer doesn’t change anything if we don’t do our part.  Sin separates us from Him and entering the presence of a Holy God demands confession ad repentance. If we only come asking for help but don’t allow Him to change us, we have knelt in vain. And peace eludes us.

In the absence of God, there is fear.

This battle for peace that rages in our mind begins in our heart, where God either 1.) dwells, or 2.) where He is knocking. 

Opening the door to your heart to the One who created you is the key to experiencing the peace you are looking for. 

I want to remind myself, and maybe others who need to hear it:  God is in control.

“When the earth and all its inhabitants shake, I am the One who steadies it’s pillars.”  Psalm 75:3 

He sees, He knows, and He wants to take your struggle and turn it into surrender.

Joy won’t enter our circumstances if our focus is on the situation rather than on the Savior.

“Has God forgotten to be gracious?  Has He in anger withheld His compassion?

So I say, ‘It is my sorrow that the right hand of the Most High God has changed.’

I will remember the Lord’s works;

yes, I will remember Your ancient wonders,

I will reflect on all You have done

and meditate on Your actions.

God Your way is holy.

What god is great like God?

You are the God who works wonders;

You revealed Your strength among the peoples.”

Psalm 77:9-14

He wants to be right in the epicenter of this maze we call life.  Look at who He is.  Remember His promises.  Reflect on the past and what He has done, and then praise Him for what He is doing and will do in the future.

Lets choose today to get in God’s presence, spend time in confession and repentance, and then focus on Who He is and what He has done; then thank Him for what He is going do, despite our circumstance!  He is a great God who works wonders, so put on that mask if you must, and


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