
The Wise Friend

There is nothing worse than a dull knife.  Okay, maybe there are things a lot worse than that, but if you are peeling 10 lbs. of potatoes, you sure do want to start by sharpening your best knife.  Despite your best attempt, no amount of scrubbing or cleaning can get those knives razor-sharp; it takes metal to sharpen metal.  

Proverbs 27 is well-known for verse 17:

“Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17

Just to remind us, these books are a collection of Solomon’s proverbs, and so almost every verse is worthy of discussion.  My personal goal of going through all 31 Proverbs in 31 Days was to spend time processing what God wants me to learn from each chapter.  Bible study is a crucial part of spiritual growth.  I can read the Bible for myself using all sorts of tools, but my most important resource is prayer.  My heart’s desire is to not just read and know God’s Word, but to allow it to transform the way I think–and live.  As you read these Proverbs, I pray you are not relying on my minimal knowledge and insight, but are asking God to reveal truth to you.

Here’s what I gleaned from Proverbs 27:  

If you have a true friend, it is a gift.  A friend that knows you and loves you anyway.  A friend that speaks the truth in love, who listens, who cares and who is always there for you, even if they can’t be there physically.  

I count my husband as my best friend.  He makes me a better person.  He loves me unconditionally but isn’t afraid to speak the truth in love, even if it might be painful for a moment; because he loves me, he doesn’t desire to hurt me, only help.  

I have only a few friends like that–friends that are as close as a sister.  We have been through the good and bad together and can speak openly and honestly about where we are emotionally and spiritually.  Trust has grown in our relationship over time, proven through shared confidences and experiences.


The Bible uses the analogy of iron sharpening iron because God knew that life would be dull if we didn’t have people to share it with who see us for who we really are.  Surface relationships are fine, but God wants so much more than that.  He wants to know us intimately and Jesus even calls us His friend:

“This is My command: Love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you.”  John 15: 12-14

Listening to wisdom today, I am reminded to be thankful for the gift of friendship.  If you’ve been friends with someone for a long time, it’s easy to take that person for granted.  When was the last time you thought of Jesus as a friend?  He is our Savior, yes, but He didn’t just save us from sin and then leave us to walk through life alone.  He wants to go with us–to walk beside us–and sharpen us to be used more effectively for His glory.

“About brotherly love: You donā€™t need me to write you because you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.”  1 Thessalonians 4:9

I have loved this journey through Proverbs!  I hope you have too, and if you have joined me for  31 Days of Proverbs I would love to hear from you!  The blogging world has opened up a whole new door of possibilities for me, and I enjoy meeting other bloggers and making new friends.  Some of you are long-time friends, and I want to say thank you for coming along side me.  Only four days to go!

5 replies »

  1. Today is my first time visiting your lovely blog. I’m so glad I found you during your 31 Proverbs in 31 Days. I just began an in depth study on the book of Proverbs myself and I enjoyed reading what the Lord has been teaching you. Thanks for sharing!


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