
Getting a Grip (Small things can make a big difference!)

I’m not obsessing or anything, but I am loving what a difference drawer pulls and cabinet knobs can make!
It’s such an easy way to update furniture, and now they’re easier than ever to find!

It all started for me when my daughter and son-in-law bought a new house and I walked into the gorgeous kitchen. Their cabinets were very similar to mine, except that theirs had cabinet pulls and mine didn’t.  Not only had I been frustrated by torn fingernails in the past because of it, I had thought them rather boring.


What a HUGE difference it made in the overall look of the kitchen! I ordered my set of cabinet knobs from Amazon because they were cheaper, but they are available at home improvement centers like Lowe’s and Menard’s.  Target and Hobby Lobby even have them, but a limited selection.

Here’s an old desk that I passed onto my daughter.  She added these adorable blue and white knobs to match her bedroom decor:  So cute!

My Photo Stream6

This dresser was one of my Pinterest experiments, and when I changed the hardware it took on a whole new look! (And I love it even more!)






Now, you know I can’t do a blog post without taking what I’m doing and ponder what I can learn…

So… if a few cosmetic changes on the outside (which we all try at some point) can make such a difference, how much more does it matter that we remember to focus even more on the changes that need to be made on the inside?


“As the water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.” Proverbs 27:20


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