
May the Words of my Mouth…

Most anxious to start, yet guarding my time because one of the most godly men I know is fighting for his life.

My sweet father-in-law has been in the hospital since last week and has had one complication on top of another plaguing his 84-year-old body. A former bi-vocational pastor, he has served the Lord faithfully, raised four godly sons, and been a rock for this family.  I personally have been blessed to have such an example of pure, undefiled faith.

In Psalm 19:14 King David says, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, my rock and my Redeemer.”

I can honestly say that in the 30 years that I have been a part of this family, I have never heard anything negative come from my father-in-law’s mouth.  He speaks the truth in love and will encourage even the doctors and nurses attending him.  Just the other day a young doctor from the country of Ghana was in his room and the conversation turned from the patient to the doctor.  We heard his story of becoming a doctor, but more importantly–how he came to be a believer in Jesus.  When Eldon (my father-in-law) said to this young doctor, “I am proud of you, young man!”, there was no doubt that he meant that in the most sincere and loving way.
I tear up as I write, remembering that profound moment, and I am determined anew that this is the heritage I want to leave those around me:

I want my heritage to be one that speaks of and lives out God’s faithful love.

God’s timing is always perfect, and I know it’s not coincidence that I was so strongly impressed to begin this blog after such a long time of contemplating it.  I am vividly reminded that everything we do should be “unto the Lord” and ultimately our goal is to be “acceptable to You, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

1-Munton Family (25)

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