
Wisdom’s Messenger

“I’ve got bad news and good news.  Which one do you want to hear first?”

In a joking way, by husband often uses this phrase to prepare me for some sort of kerfuffle. (Don’t you just love that word?!)

When I received that call recently, my verbal response was:

“Hmmmm…” (While thinking in my head, “I wonder what he’s gotten himself into this time…”)

“Well, which one do you want to hear first?”

“I need some good news–tell me that first,” I reply.

“I’m still alive.”


“But the bad news is, your picnic table is not.”

Truth is, I had to laugh out loud in relief.  The dead tree was a threat–and rather than harming a person, it took out a picnic table.  Picnic tables can be replaced–people cannot; so, while I could have been upset with him for this little faux pas, my response was one of thankfulness.

“A word spoken at the right time is like golden apples on a silver tray.”  Proverbs 25:11

Proverbs 25 were the words of Solomon, but copied and written down for King Hezekiah.  Remember, Solomon had over 3,000 proverbs and 1,500 songs!  Apparently King Hezekiah wanted to record these particular proverbs for his own use.  Maybe he was a list maker like me, and he wanted to take note of specific proverbs that he didn’t want to forget… and because they are recorded in Scripture, God didn’t want us to forget them either.

So what was the message?  It was about the messenger.

Read it.  While it may seem that they are a random list of proverbs that are definitely noteworthy, the overall theme seems to be an admonition to the messenger.  Meaning, the person who gains knowledge and understanding has an obligation to share the message in a worthwhile manner.

In other words, it matters how we convey the truth from God’s Word.

Words like pure, humble, pious, kind, trustworthy, gentle, patient, disciplined, respectful, thoughtful, generous, and positive–jump off the page and speak volumes about the motive and manner of our words, not just the substance.  The truth of God’s word does not change, but human nature or tendencies can take the truth of God’s word and make it sound very differently than it was intended.  Staying true to the text and sharing the truth in love speaks volumes.

“To those who send him, a trustworthy messenger is like the coolness of snow on a harvest day; he refreshes the life of his masters.”  Proverbs 25:13

Our world is in desperate need of more than just good news– they need the truth of the gospel, which is the good news of Jesus–and it needs to be told with all of those adjectives from Proverbs 25.  Recent events in our country have sparked a huge outcry from those of us who are Pro-Life.  It seems appropriate today to be reminded that the world is watching–and hearing a message from those of us that value the life of an unborn child.  Let’s just be cautious in how we convey that message.  Speaking the truth in love, let us be trustworthy messengers who are found faithful to offer that cool drink of water to our dry, thirsty land.

I love to tell the story
Of unseen things above
Of Jesus and His glory
Of Jesus and His love
I love to tell the story
Because I know it’s true
It satisfies my longing
As nothing else can do

I love to tell the story
‘Twill be my theme in Glory
To tell the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love

I love to tell the story
‘Tis pleasant to repeat
What seems each time I tell it
More wonderfully sweet
I love to tell the story
For some have never heard
The message of salvation
From God’s own Holy Word

I love to tell the story
‘Twill be my theme in Glory
To tell the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love

~~Katherine Hankey, 1866

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