
Winning the “What if?” Battle

So much of worry starts in a battle of the mind.

Our thoughts consume us to the point that we start wondering if what could happen, probably is going to happen–and that’s why we can’t stop thinking about it.  It’s a vicious cycle of “What if?”, then “What would I do?”, to “How can I prepare for this”…this something that hasn’t even happened yet!

There’s a fine line between realism and skepticism.  A realist might see the possibilities and prepare for the future, but a skeptic quietly assumes bad things are yet to come.

I’m going to step out on a limb here and suggest that barring an actual mental disorder–of which, most of us don’t have–


We choose fear or faith.  We walk with confidence, not in ourselves, but the God who created us and knows us.  He knows where we’ve been and where we are going.

For those that have followed my blog, you know that I’m about to endeavor on a great adventure.  I’m going to Madagascar to see my babies and grandbabies! :0)

Madagascar tree


Truth be told, there have been not a few people who have asked us if we’re afraid of getting Ebola, and the answer is “no!”  There are no reported cases in Madagascar, and won’t be traveling through or even close to an infected area.  There is always a risk (even in the United States) of crossing paths with someone infected, but common sense and good hygiene are a part of any overseas travel.  We have complete faith in Jehova-Rapha (God Who Heals!) and in His plan for our lives.

Painted in Waterlogue Jeremiah 29.ll

This is an opportunity of a lifetime and we plan to fully enjoy the sights, smells, and culture of Madagascar and plan to come home with lots of stories and pictures.

Let the adventure begin!


5 replies »

  1. Vickie,
    We are praying for you and Pastor Doug as you make this wonderful trip to see the kids and your grand babies….thank you so very much for all you write and the inspiration I receive from your words. Truth of every statement is we do choose to make the choice between fear or faith and like you I choose faith. Thanking God for your words inspired by His words!


  2. Amen! I will be remembering you during your Madagascar trip and the joyous reunion with your beautiful daughter, husband and cute grandchildren. May God multiply the moments during your stay.

    I will be leaving soon for another happy reunion with our daughter, husband, 3 grandsons and twins expected to be born while I am with them.

    Choosing not to worry……Blessings to you and yours.



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